Brugge: Vlissinghe


The oldest pub in Brugge seemed like a nice place to while away some time over a game of Scrabble and some beers. The winner was of course Scrabble, Rach won the game. The real winner was the charming little watering hole, that served delicious local beer and had staff who seemed genuinely pleased that the two of us were enjoying a few too many beers and playing Flemish scrabble.

It was a Flemish version see the letter distribution below:

2 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)
1 point: E ×18, N ×10, A ×6, O ×6, I ×4
2 points: D ×5, R ×5, S ×5, T ×5
3 points: G ×3, K ×3, L ×3, M ×3, B ×2, P ×2
4 points: U ×3, F ×2, H ×2, J ×2, V ×2, Z ×2
5 points: C ×2, W ×2
8 points: X ×1, Y ×1
10 points: Q ×1